Marketing Infrastructures

Marketing Infrastructures

Virtual Marketing Department structure & design involves staff positions, strategic goals, integrations, communications and more. Infrastructure is the backbone of every business system. Not knowing how the virtual and physical office workplace is going to meld together after the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, we do not know if Marketing and Business Development will have offices any longer. 

In the meanwhile, there are quite a few things that can be done to make the department ready for whatever comes its way. Marketing department infrastructures also need to be audited every year or so to ensure they are reflecting the direction of the firm and balanced with the future of how services are sold. Marketing departments and systems (like filing, etc.) are often set up to enhance the production of the person doing the work. They should be set up to reflect how the firm does business. 

Nimble & Responsive

Marketing has several forces it needs to conform to — the firm’s direction, economic indicators within the city/region, and horizontal changes in business operations. It sounds like a great deal because it is. The way in which you design or build a structure does not change as quickly as Marketing needs to change due to political unrest, economist downturns, extensive growth and diversification within the firm’s markets.

The Marketing Department’s Infrastructure should be nimble and responsive to these changes as they come up and are applied. This includes staff positions being restructured, potentially splitting of job responsibilities, etc. Having an audit of your infrastructure gives you a fresh perspective and a game plan to move forward on even though the future is unknown.

Firms throughout North America have benefited from marketing systems FMI has designed or implemented for them. Jan’s leadership, training and organizational skills have been honed throughout her 30-year career in the A/E/C industry.

Marketing Infrastructure Consulting

Departmental structure analysis including policies and procedures, staff skill sets in relation to job descriptions/functions, etc.

Marketing Information Systems Consulting

Analysis of existing systems, including filing, databases, and information flow processes.

Systems Implementation and Cleanup

Ranging from data mining, importing,  to troubleshooting.

Template Design

Reporting tools used with database programs in InDesign and Word.

Database Systems Analysis

Determine best system to meet needs.

Jan Flesher