Break out that Strategic Plan and get it in shape with a comprehensive Business Plan, measurable Marketing Plans, or Action Plans with distinct tactics and tools for success.
Strategic Planning Implementation is simply taking the thoughtful plan your firm has spent time and money on developing and assisting you with implementing gradual tasks and measurements to move forward under the plan’s guidance.
Each of these plans has a purpose and specific task to ensure your business strategically grows or sustains its position in your current markets. Each can also stand alone, but together they combine to give numerous people at all levels of your organization the understanding of the direction of the firm and how you plan to get there.
The IAAO Business Plan (right) was completed in October 2019 for a Board presentation in order to gain funding for the coming year (2020). With the current economic and societal upheaval, this plan’s goals will likely need to be revisited based on outcomes from recent world events. Since there is a baseline for the IAAO, it can easily be nimble in the planning and redirect their efforts and resources once world events calm down.